Part of the Transfigurations series, Small Saints presents a series of encounters with the intersection between life and death. Each panel pictures a single individual who slowly emerges from black-and-white...
Part of the Transfigurations series, Small Saints presents a series of encounters with the intersection between life and death. Each panel pictures a single individual who slowly emerges from black-and-white darkness and breaks through the threshold of water and light. Passing into the physical world, the figure is then represented in high-definition color. As the presence of all beings is finite, each figure eventually turns away from material existence and recedes through the wall of water. The cycle repeats without end. The Transfigurations series made its debut in 2007 with the presentation of Ocean Without a Shore at the 52nd Venice Biennale.
James Cohan Gallery, Chelsea, Bill Viola: Bodies of Light, October 23 - December 19, 2009 De Pont Museum of Contemporary Art, Tilburg, The Netherlands, Bill Viola: The Intimate Work, September 12, 2009 – January 10, 2010
James Cohan Gallery, Chelsea, Bill Viola: Bodies of Light, 2009, pg 60-72