In 'Grass,' 2022, Myers depicts both the threat Wovoka saw in the European settlers and the promise of salvation if the rituals of the Ghost Dance were performed correctly. Wovoka...
In "Grass," 2022, Myers depicts both the threat Wovoka saw in the European settlers and the promise of salvation if the rituals of the Ghost Dance were performed correctly. Wovoka prophesied that unless action was taken, the white men would always keep coming like grass. However, should the Pauite succeed in their ritual rebellion, the earth, like the Pauite, would be born anew. As he stated, “The earth is getting old and I will make it new for my chosen people, the Indians, who are to inhabit it and among them be these of ancestors who have died...I will cover the earth with new soil to be a depth five times that of a man and under this new soil will bury the whites...The new land will be covered with sweet-grass and running water and trees, and herds of buffalo and ponies will stray over it, that my red children may eat and drink, hunt and rejoice."