“Food Kid (Girl) II” depicts a girl of about 8 or 9-years-old carrying a harvest basket on her back containing a cornucopia of crops that grow in Africa. The produce...
“Food Kid (Girl) II” depicts a girl of about 8 or 9-years-old carrying a harvest basket on her back containing a cornucopia of crops that grow in Africa. The produce includes native, local, and heavily exported fruits, vegetables, and legumes such as coffee, African eggplant, sweet potato, peanuts, and many others. The girl’s head is a hand-painted globe depicting world-wide temperature anomalies that have occurred in recent years, based on data collected by NASA. The figure steadies herself under the weight of her arcing bounty—one arm outstretched, the other holding a mango—alluding to the responsibility we must all bear if we are to build a more equitable and sustainable food system globally.