In the digital animation 'Color Crop,' a cartoon avatar of the artist encounters Mound #1, the Legend in the forest. Mound #1, the Legend, is a half-human, half-tree mutant, and...
In the digital animation "Color Crop," a cartoon avatar of the artist encounters Mound #1, the Legend in the forest. Mound #1, the Legend, is a half-human, half-tree mutant, and the very first Mound to exist. The oldest of the Mounds, he is the center of the artist’s painted universe and exudes an air of hope, representing long-standing ideals. He lives in the forest and his skeleton is shaped like a tree. The evil Vegans, the villains of Hancock’s Moundverse, hate him with all of their being and plot to take him out. His death marks the conclusion of the first chapter of the epic narrative of the Mounds, The Life and Death of Number 1.