In this series of hanging mobiles, which belong to the same body of work as the recent film The Unburied Sound of a Troubled Horizon, 2022, Tuan Andrew Nguyen explores...
In this series of hanging mobiles, which belong to the same body of work as the recent film The Unburied Sound of a Troubled Horizon, 2022, Tuan Andrew Nguyen explores the ways in which material contains memory and holds potential for transformation, reincarnation, and healing.
This kinetic artwork made from UXO metal moves with the flow of air and vibrations of sound in the gallery space, creating a naturally shifting play of abstract spatial relationships, and suggesting a state of perpetual change. Nguyen worked with a sound healer who tuned the work to #F5 at 685 Hz so that as it self-activates, it vibrates at a precisely calibrated healing frequency.