The central figure in 'I Will Be Made New' conjures a bright green flame in her hand. In Pierre's lexicon, fire represents the challenge and power of transformation. Therefore, the...
The central figure in "I Will Be Made New" conjures a bright green flame in her hand. In Pierre's lexicon, fire represents the challenge and power of transformation. Therefore, the capacity to create fire reflects a deep sense both of self and of creative control. Pierre often explores the idea that one must boldly enter into an internal psychological space in order to find a way toward new beginnings and transformations. The figure gazes upon another face within this atmospheric realm, which could be read as another spectral character, or as a reflection. This may be a moment of self-reflection, mirroring the transformation alluded to by the presence of fire. She floats confidently toward an animated burst of light, leading a winged cast of characters toward the unknown.