Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian’s Convertible series of sculptures marry her enduring interest in repetition and seriality with explorations into modularity and permutability. Each wall-based mirror work within this series is composed...
Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian’s Convertible series of sculptures marry her enduring interest in repetition and seriality with explorations into modularity and permutability. Each wall-based mirror work within this series is composed of segments that can be assembled in myriad patterns, folded and unfolded according to diagrams drawn by the artist—some based on extant decorative patterns, and others of her own invention. In Monir’s own words, they enable her to “play with ideas of infinity.”
"Khordad - Convertible Series" (2011) is named for the third month of the Persian solar calendar, a timekeeping system that begins each year on the vernal equinox. The work is composed of four individual forms that each suggest the sinuous trefoil arches of early Islamic architecture.